Welcome to my first blog, which will focus on my passion for cycling and the words Hope and Gratitude which figure so prominently in my life since being diagnosed in 2009 with an incurable but treatable form of non-hodgkins lymphoma.
The idea behind this blog is to share stories about why people ride, and my goal is to provide the reader with some inspiring tales of amazing things that happen when we take to the road, trail or mountain, and what the sport of cycling means to each person individually.
Cycling has saved my life in many ways. It was what helped me begin my regime of weight loss and it helped me bring into focus my physical well-being. It also reignited a passion for the bicycle which I had since my childhood. Since I can remember, I have loved biking.
And perhaps most importantly, the weight loss from cycling helped me to discover the tumour in my abdomen.... the doctors said cycling may have just saved my life...
How is that for gratitude....
Cycling also gave me hope during my treatments, and gratitude for the many great things that have come out of a bad situation. I don't really know where to start as this blogging thing is all new to me, but I will start with the bright sunny day that I addressed 3000 people at the start of a cancer fundraiser in 2011 for which I was the spokesperson.....
When I finished my treatments for lymphoma in February 2010, I was motivated to get back on my bike as soon as possible, and one of the things I wanted to do was participate in the Ride to Conquer Cancer which is a two-day event covering 250 kms. between Montreal an Quebec City. Unfortunately, I wasn't strong enough to participate in the 2010 edition, so I trained hard and was able to ride 7500 kms in my first year post-chemo. Last year, 8100 kms. The treatments gave me my life back, my bike keeps me healthy, and my passion for cycling keeps me focused and happy.
Last year, I decided I was ready and signed up to do the ride. Not long after, the community in which I work, friends and family all got behind me and helped me raise an astonishing $43,000! And because I was treated at the hospital for which this event benefits, I was kindly asked to speak on behalf of all the people who have been touched by cancer - which is pretty well every one of us in some way or another.
I will remember this day as one of the highlights of my life to date...
Here is the speech (although a large portion of it is in French). The theme: Hope and Gratitude
So many stories to share and not sure where to start, but I feel this will take on a life of its own.
Please share your stories with me - we all have one or two to tell..
Thanks for visiting.... just getting started....
The View from My Podium, July 9, 2011: